StarMessage - Moon Phases screensaver


Details: StarMessage - Moon Phases screensaver

Kategorie: StarMessage - Moon Phases screensaver
Dateigröße: 1 Mb
Letzter Download: 10.08.2022
Downloads: 71
Eingestellt: 06.03.2008
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You may leave a series of short messages on the screen, and the stars will move around to form the messages. StarMessage screensaver is also packed with all the functions that you wish a screensaver had. You can select a picture to fly through the air or load your own picture and see it high in the sky. Audio options let you play one of the built-in relaxing sounds, or the sound file of your choice once or continuously. A scrolling message can appear at the bottom of the screen as well. You can use a countdown timer to remind you about a special event or just show you the time and date of another place on earth (world time), be notified of new email in a POP3 mailbox, have the program cuckoo on the hour, display quotes of wisdom or humor, or count every day of your life. If you are lucky, you might see a falling star and make a wish on it. StarMessage may be a very romantic gift since you can easily configure it with your messages and sent it to a close friend. When your friend will install it, he/she will see your messages written in the stars and contact you immediately. For your convenience, the program can automatically adjust the computer's inactivity timeout that starts the screensaver, and also allows you to temporary prevent the screensaver from starting, by positioning your mouse in specific areas on the screen. Finally, it does not forget to protect both your screen and your eyes by using low intensity background graphics. Installation and removal is very easy.

Autor: MichaelIoannides (Michael Ioannides)

Version: 3.08

Win95, Win98, WinME, WinNT 4.x, Windows2000, WinXP, Windows2003

Lizenz: Shareware

Sprache(n): English

Preis: 10 USD

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