Routix NetCom


Details: Routix NetCom

Kategorie: Routix NetCom
Dateigröße: 5 Mb
Letzter Download: 23.10.2021
Downloads: 27
Eingestellt: 22.07.2008
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With NetCom you can give full control over local area network (LAN) and over INTERNET connections.

- support for remote scripting (with Microsoft Active Scripting) and provide useful remote administration console;
- support any ethernet/dial-up/xDSL connections to control and managment;
- support any packets direction handling;
- support set of protocols (IP, TCP, UDP, ARP, ICMP...);
- support MAC-level (ETHERNET-frames) handling;
- support incoming and outgoing traffic counting and handling;
- support TCP and UDP ports handling;
- support IP addresses handling;
- support URL blocking;
- support TIME-based handling;
- automatic counters reset with specified interval (every N hours, N days, N weeks, N month, N years);
- event-based actions executions (every rule can execute many specified scripts or programs, for example for writing counters to database or XML-file). This actions can be executed before counters will be resetted or with specified interval;
- Packets can be allowed, denied or sended to the next rule in list;
- Possible to change any packet field (MAC/IP addresses, TCP/UDP ports);
- Port-mapping/redirection;
- Integrated NAT;
- Packets can be redirected to any other NIC;
- Bridging between any ethernet interfaces;
- Bandwidth limiting for any type of TCP-traffic (static and dynamic shaper);
- QoS (Quality of Service) for any type of traffic;
- With managment console you can monitor realtime network activity;
- With managment console you can connect to many hosts at the same time;
- With managment console you can monitor remote hosts performance (CPU, memory, interrupts...);
- Possible to limit connections per rule;
- Includes SDK documentation for control Routix NetCom from custom applications;
- also Routix NetCom have many other features. For more information you can read manual...

Autor: Routix software (Routix software)

Version: 2.0

WinNT 4.x, WinXP, Windows2000, Windows2003

Lizenz: Freeware

Sprache(n): English, Russian

Preis: kostenl

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