Profitable Adsense search portal


Details: Profitable Adsense search portal

Kategorie: Profitable Adsense search portal
Dateigröße: 670 Kb
Letzter Download: 11.08.2022
Downloads: 50
Eingestellt: 04.06.2008
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Nutzer bewerten dieses Programm mit Ø 2.95 von 5 Sternen.


Profitable Adsense Plus search portal, with CTR over 20%! - Tired of the same old Adsense Plus sites that were copied hundreds of times? Looking for something unique? This script is for you! With Adsense Plus Search, you will be able to create your own AdSense search engine. AdSense ads are thoroughly integrated with search results, and are virtually indistinguishable from them! Most users click on the first three search results, and don't even notice that hey are AdSense ads! This results in extremely high click-through rate - over 20%! With such high CTR, your income will skyrocket like never before. The script is properly optimized for search engines, and all pages are static pages with proper file names, titles, descriptions, H1 and META tags. and has another unique feature - links to dozens of related keywords. This way, page with search results for "hosting" links to page with results for "cheap hosting", this one leads to "cheap Linux hosting" and so on. This way, it automatically creates thousands of highly optimized pages from supplied keywords! All the pages will be indexed by search engines and will bring you quality targeted traffic. Unlike "content" sites, which are sold over and over again from to hundreds of people and are useless because of duplicate content, you can define your own niche keywords which will be used on your site. This way your site will be like no-one else's, and you will not be banned from search engines for duplicate content! To further maximize your income, the script features eBay auction search, Amazon product search and Clickbank product search. They allow you to generate additional money from their affiliate programs, and your visitors will enjoy enhanced product search on your site. The script pulls Web search results from MSN search, and related keywords from Overture. It also features advanced caching, which means that your search results are stored locally on your server for very fast retrieval.

Autor: StefanAntonius (Sincope, Inc.)

Version: 6.1


Lizenz: Commercial

Sprache(n): English

Preis: 55 USD

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