NoLimits Rollercoaster Simulation


Details: NoLimits Rollercoaster Simulation

Kategorie: NoLimits Rollercoaster Simulation
Dateigröße: 15 Mb
Letzter Download: 23.10.2021
Downloads: 532
Eingestellt: 05.07.2008
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Nutzer bewerten dieses Programm mit Ø 2.87 von 5 Sternen.


Focusing on realism and speed, NoLimits lets you ride real existing coasters, or build a roller coaster to your own specifications. The program reproduces the physical dynamics of a real roller coaster, with its animated objects, dynamic 3D shadows, and detailed rendering of curved 3D surfaces. As you're moving at full speed, plunging down steep hills and taking sharp turns, your eyes and your stomach will both appreciate the photo-realistic quality and intense speed of the simulation. NoLimits lets you choose your seat, car, and train on the fly. You can even use your mouse to look around as you race around the track, and view the simulation from a variety of perspectives. NoLimits' comprehensive roller coaster editor lets you use a wire-frame display and standard computer-assisted design (CAD) techniques to build your own roller coaster. You assemble track, supporting structures, and other objects by dragging and dropping them. All editing is done by clicking and dragging, and slider bars let you easily change your perspective. It's easy to zoom in and out, and view your work in progress. The intuitive interface lets you quickly add track, change the shape of the roller coaster, add supporting structure and scenery, and change colors. There are 17 different track styles to choose from, including wooden coasters, shuttle coasters and hyper-coasters. It's easy to make tight turns, add loops and tunnels, and design the rollercoaster of your dreams. From the moment you listen to your train being pulled up the first slope, to the times you fly through loops and turns, NoLimits Rollercoaster Simulation serves up real-time roller coaster excitement. You can create and ride any roller coaster you can dream up. There are no limits!

Autor: Mad DataMad Data (Mad Data)

Version: 1.55

Win95, Win98, WinME, WinXP, WinNT 3.x, WinNT 4.x, Windows2000

Lizenz: Shareware

Sprache(n): English

Preis: 29,95 USD

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