Canasta by MeggieSoft Games


Details: Canasta by MeggieSoft Games

Kategorie: Canasta by MeggieSoft Games
Dateigröße: 2 Mb
Letzter Download: 23.10.2021
Downloads: 672
Eingestellt: 14.05.2008
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Play against an online opponent or against your computer. Canasta has a rich user interface and many customizable graphic, sound (including MIDI music and speech output), rule and scoring options. Six different computer opponent skill levels are available for when you are unable to get online, or just want to practice privately.

Canasta is played with a 108-card deck (two standard packs, plus four Jokers). The game involves taking, melding, and discarding cards with the object of scoring more points than your opponent. When taking cards, one may either take new cards from the stock, or pick up the discard pile - provided that the top card can be melded immediately. Melded cards score points, and melds of seven cards (Canastas) also score bonus points. Each round ends when one player has no more cards in hand or the stock is empty. The first player to 5000 points wins the game.

The user interface, common to all MeggieSoft Games, supports both point-and-click and drag-and-drop mouse operations. Features include: realistic animated card movement; right-click pop-up menus; a hint facility; a tutorial; automatic play; automatic save and restore of partly finished games; multiple-user scoreboards; a clean and uncluttered main window; status-bar shortcut buttons; and fully customizable main display font and wallpaper effects for the table and playing mat, and the card backs.

Autor: MeggieSoftGames (MeggieSoft Games)

Version: 2008

Win95, Win98, WinME, WinNT 4.x, WinXP, Windows2000

Lizenz: Shareware

Sprache(n): English

Preis: 24 EUR

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