Active Keys


Details: Active Keys

Kategorie: Active Keys
Dateigröße: 1 Mb
Letzter Download: 23.10.2021
Downloads: 58
Eingestellt: 12.04.2008
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These days, computers transform into entertainment and information centers of our homes and offices. There is one major drawback of such miraculous integration, however - computers are still bound to traditional hierarchical interfaces which makes controlling various system actions rather a memory quiz than a comfortable living.

Each and every new piece of computer functionality involves using new software which in turn uses multiple menus, icons and buttons to access its features. It is fairly easy to control one application behavior but what if there are five or twenty of them? Aren't you missing your favorite remote controller? Wouldn't it be great to use one controller to manipulate all the functionality of your PC? Is it a dream that never comes true?

No! is here ready to offer its amazing Active Keys software that will turn your ordinary keyboard into full-blown remote controller for your entire system. That's right! No more miles of mouse moves and injured wrists, no more hassle and interface havocs! Just total control of your entire Windows system using any keyboard at hand!

Active Keys is a powerful yet easy-to-use tool for creating and managing keyboard shortcuts for any system action. Active Keys allows creation of custom keyboard hot keys definitions for otherwise hardly accessible functions. Among those are CD Audio and WinAmp actions, sound volume, windows resizing, opening Internet addresses, folders, documents, sending e-mails, starting applications and much more.

Just imagine being able to control Windows Media Player, screen resolution and color depth, start screen saver, insert current time and date or custom text with just one key press! Throw in the intuitive interface and small memory and system resources usage footprint and you will understand this title worth a try! So go ahead and download free trial now!

Autor: (

Version: 2.41

Windows2000, WinXP, Windows2003, Windows Vista Starter, Windows Vista Home Basic, Windows Vista Home Premium, Windows Vista Business, Windows Vista Enterprise, Windows Vista Ultimate, Windows Vista Home Basic x64, Windows Vista Home Premium x64, Windows Vista Business x64, Windows Vista Enterprise x64, Windows Vista Ultimate x64

Lizenz: Shareware

Sprache(n): English

Preis: 25 USD

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Hier kannst Du die Software Active Keys gratis herunterladen. In der Kategorie Active Keys findest Du weitere interessante Freeware, Shareware und Demo Versionen. Es ist unglaublich, dass absolut hochwertige Software Produkte oft als Freeware angeboten werden. Einige Programme können durchaus mit ähnlichen, aber sehr teuren Produkten aus dem professionellen Bereich mithalten. Aber schau doch am besten selbst, alle Downloads sind gratis und kostenlos :-)
Achtung: Obwohl wir sehr auf Qualität und Nutzwert aller Programme achten übernehmen wir keinerlei Verantwortung dafür, diese trägt allein der Anbieter der jeweiligen Software.

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