dbQwikSite website builder


Details: dbQwikSite website builder

Kategorie: dbQwikSite website builder
Dateigröße: 20 Mb
Letzter Download: 23.10.2021
Downloads: 50
Eingestellt: 08.06.2008
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Create database web sites and never write a line of code. dbQwikSite is a web application development tool with powerful features to: connect to and/or create databases, generate interactive web pages, control page appearance, create site navigation, design work flow, secure your site, and test right on your PC.

dbQwikSite has the features you need to turn your ideas into working web applications with the minimum of effort. dbQwikSite generates all the web script and SQL so you can concentrate on the design of your site and its functions. When it comes to code generation dbQwikSite has all the bases covered, it can generate ASP, ASP.net and PHP.

dbQwikSite goes well beyond your average code generators covering more of the development process and working the way you work. Other tools analyze your database and create pages based on your table design. dbQwikSite lets you create tables, from web forms, from Excel and other PC Files, or supplied templates. dbQwikSite leaves the competition in the dust when it comes to real-life work scenarios. dbQwikSite let's you change your table structures on-the-fly, as you need, and elegantly flags pages that the changes affect. dbQwikSite will integrate with your favorite HTML editor monitoring changes to files to ensure nothing is lost. With dbQwikSite's X-Gen technology you can design your site independently of the target host. You can design and test with MS Access and ASP, then deploy to MySQL and PHP on a Linux server.

dbQwikSite offers a high degree of flexibility in controlling your finished page appearance. With customizable color themes, customizable headers and footers. Use auto-layout for fast results, or customize record layout using templates you create.

dbQwikSite is a full featured, web application development environment, with one important difference, you never need to write any code, dbQwikSite does it all.

Autor: GeraldEnright (TheDevShop Ltd.)


Win98, WinME, WinNT 4.x, WinXP, Windows2000, Windows2003, Windows Tablet PC Edition 2005, Windows Media Center Edition 2005, Windows Vista

Lizenz: Shareware

Sprache(n): English

Preis: 39.95 USD

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Achtung: Obwohl wir sehr auf Qualität und Nutzwert aller Programme achten übernehmen wir keinerlei Verantwortung dafür, diese trägt allein der Anbieter der jeweiligen Software.

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