WinZip E-Mail Companion


Details: WinZip E-Mail Companion

Kategorie: WinZip E-Mail Companion
Dateigröße: 3 Mb
Letzter Download: 23.10.2021
Downloads: 34
Eingestellt: 18.03.2008
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WinZip E-Mail Companion works seamlessly within Microsoft Outlook, Outlook Express or Windows Mail for Vista and is the perfect solution for reducing the complexity and time that it takes to send and receive large attachments via e-mail. Simply write your e-mail, attach your files, click Send and let WinZip E-Mail Companion do the rest. WinZip E-Mail Companion?s file compression will ensure that your attachment is as small as possible and allow you to encrypt attachments that contain confidential information. WinZip E-Mail Companion reduces e-mail transmission time for both sender and recipient, and if you have ever had an e-mail returned as undeliverable because the attachment was too large, you will know the value of smaller e-mail attachments. It also reduces the amount of disk space required to store those e-mail messages. When sending confidential information as e-mail attachments, be sure to use WinZip E-Mail Companion?s password-based AES encryption to ensure that only people that have your chosen password can view the information inside your attachments. If you send a document, spreadsheet or presentation directly from Microsoft Word, Excel or PowerPoint, WinZip E-Mail Companion will zip and e-mail these files in one step. What?s more, you can also save your file as a Zip file directly from within these Office applications. You can even customize behavior and performance to meet your specific needs thanks to WinZip E-Mail Companion?s flexible configuration. For more information, please visit WinZip online at

Autor: WinZipComputing (WinZip Computing)

Version: 2.0

Windows2000, WinXP, Windows Vista Starter, Windows Vista Home Basic, Windows Vista Home Premium, Windows Vista Business, Windows Vista Enterprise, Windows Vista Ultimate, Windows Vista Home Basic x64, Windows Vista Home Premium x64, Windows Vista Business x64, Windows Vista Enterprise x64, Windows Vista Ultimate x64

Lizenz: Shareware

Sprache(n): English

Preis: 19.95 EUR

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