Atomic Battle Dragons


Details: Atomic Battle Dragons

Kategorie: Atomic Battle Dragons
Dateigröße: 8 Mb
Letzter Download: 23.10.2021
Downloads: 44
Eingestellt: 21.08.2008
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You play as a dragon knight and uncover a story rooted in medieval mythology. The lands are under siege from Belzom's evil dragon army and you must joust them to save the kingdom.

In this exciting platformer game you travel through four very unique zones containing over 40 levels. Scattered throughout these zones you will encounter 13 types of enemies to slay, including four huge zone bosses. The game features several different types of game play, such as flying a dragon, shooting a ballista, fighting enemies in the air and on the ground, jousting opponents, adventuring on foot, and collecting magical items and gems.

You will meet several allies to help you on your adventure, such as an elf that is also under attack by Belzom's army. Her name is Briannah and she uses her elven powers to summon items to aid in your journey. There are 17 magical items in the game, all with unique properties such as allowing you to walk on fire, and enchanting your lance for greater striking power.

If you are looking for a new and awesome game play experience then download and try the demo today for free. The game supports several input methods, and has many user settings, so you can customize the game to play and look the way you want.

"Isotope 244 has done a fantastic job graphically in the past with their games, but that won't prepare you for the visual masterpiece that they are creating in this new game." - Game Tunnel

"If I were going to grade a game on just the graphics, then Battle Dragons would get a perfect score. In the same vein as the visuals, the sound effects and music in the game are simply outstanding." - Daily Gadget

"You?ll encounter a wide variety of enemies on your journey, from dragon riders to giant insects, each presenting a different challenge." - Just RPG

Autor: Isotope 244Computer Games (Isotope 244 Computer Games)

Version: 1.05

Win95, Win98, WinME, WinNT 3.x, WinNT 4.x, WinXP, Windows2000, Windows2003, Windows Tablet PC Edition 2005, Windows Media Center Edition 2005, Windows Vista 32 und 64

Lizenz: Demo

Sprache(n): English

Preis: 19.95 USD

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