

Details: ArtBorders

Kategorie: ArtBorders
Dateigröße: 2 Mb
Letzter Download: 23.10.2021
Downloads: 123
Eingestellt: 23.07.2008
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Nutzer bewerten dieses Programm mit Ø 2.92 von 5 Sternen.


The program is extremely easy and convenient to use. Just drag the image you want to make look prettier to the program's window, select a border art you liked, and then print or save the new photo!

The program's unique feature is its capability to pick the colors of the border that match the style of the photograph's original color spectrum and to impart the unique, austere style to the produced images. Having played with this feature for a little while, you will be able to create really stylish and austere border art.

If you are planning on printing your photo in a digital print studio, ARTBorders will suggest you to save the framed image in the format that preserves all parts of the image and ensures that none of the image portions will be cut by the printer.

For your convenience, we have realized a simple and clear function for removing the "red eye" effect. Also, ArtBorders can improve image quality of bad scanned or "noised" photos.

ARTBorders can download new frames and borders from our web site. There are over 200 new frames and borders available on the web site!

Just like any other image processing program, ARTBorders lets you carry out various manipulations with images: rotation, mirroring, anti-aliasing (smoothing), changing colors, and applying the sepia effect. The program supports images of the TIFF, JPG, BMP, PSD, PSP, Kodak Photo-CD, GIF, PNG and many other formats.

Autor: VladimirBirukov (SereneSoft)

Version: 1.3.2

Win95, Win98, WinME, WinXP, WinNT 4.x, Windows2000, Windows2003

Lizenz: Shareware

Sprache(n): English, Czech, French, Deutsch, Polish, Russian, Spanish

Preis: 14.95 USD

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