Download-Suche "desktop"

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38 Suchergebnisse

The Prison (interactive desktop - Windows)

The Prison (interactive desktop - Windows)

Nr. 12 of the Ghost Forest family - a beautiful collection of hand-painted, children-safe desktop wallpapers (now interactive!). Based on Flash technology, these wallpapers offer the user a completely new experience.

Downloads: 38 | Datum: 04.07.2008 | Bewertung: 2.89

The Prison (interactive desktop - Mac)

The Prison (interactive desktop - Mac)

Nr. 12 of the Ghost Forest family (Mac) - a beautiful collection of hand-painted, children-safe desktop wallpapers (now interactive!). Based on Flash technology, these wallpapers offer the user a completely new experience.

Downloads: 56 | Datum: 04.07.2008 | Bewertung: 2.88

The Owl Tree (interactive desktop - Windows)

The Owl Tree (interactive desktop - Windows)

Nr. 11 of the Ghost Forest family - a beautiful collection of hand-painted, children-safe desktop wallpapers (now interactive!). Based on Flash technology, these wallpapers offer the user a completely new experience.

Downloads: 37 | Datum: 04.07.2008 | Bewertung: 2.89

The Game (interactive desktop - Windows)

The Game (interactive desktop - Windows)

Nr. 8 of the Ghost Forest family - a beautiful collection of hand-painted, children-safe desktop wallpapers (now interactive!). Based on Flash technology, these wallpapers offer the user a completely new experience.

Downloads: 23 | Datum: 04.07.2008 | Bewertung: 2.9

The Game (interactive desktop - Mac)

The Game (interactive desktop - Mac)

Nr.8 of the Ghost Forest family (Mac) - a beautiful collection of hand-painted, children-safe desktop wallpapers (now interactive!). Based on Flash technology, these wallpapers offer the user a completely new experience.

Downloads: 39 | Datum: 04.07.2008 | Bewertung: 2.87

Souptoys Desktop Games

Souptoys Desktop Games

The Souptoys are a collection of more than eighty toys that you can play with directly on your computer desktop.

Downloads: 3171 | Datum: 26.06.2008 | Bewertung: 2.86

Diji Photo Album

Diji Photo Album

Diji Album software allows you to create electronic photo albums.

Downloads: 45 | Datum: 12.06.2008 | Bewertung: 2.9



Does your desktop look plain and boring? Get Icon Changer! Icon Changer is a software application that makes changing icons fun and easy.

Downloads: 42 | Datum: 06.06.2008 | Bewertung: 2.92

Icon Catcher

Icon Catcher

Finding necessary icon images for your shortcuts/documents is not easy task.

Downloads: 38 | Datum: 06.06.2008 | Bewertung: 2.87

Atomic Alarm Clock

Atomic Alarm Clock

Alert yourself about important events with different alarms and replace your computer tray clock using different skins.

Downloads: 55 | Datum: 02.06.2008 | Bewertung: 2.93
